Vibrational energy healer
Distance healing or direct contact for all forms of distress
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
Discover how you can lead a life of freedom from distress, disharmony and illness and re-discover your true self and your passion
I believe we are designed to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life. For many this means physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual healing is necessary.

I believe that healing is possible and that there are many avenues available to us to achieve this healing. We are fortunate to be living at a time when there are so many signposts, so much knowledge and so much assistance available and I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to study with gifted healers of a number of modalities.

If you feel that your life could be improved in any way – physically, mentally or emotionally, contact me for a session that could set you on a path of healing and happiness. With love, light and blessings to all

Howick, Auckland, New Zealand

About Me

My journey toward becoming a healer began at the age of 17 when I started nursing training and later qualified as a New Zealand Registered Nurse. I loved the work and had the opportunity to work in medical, surgical, neurosurgical wards and theatres. In public hospitals in Auckland, Whangarei and Wanganui. While raising my two beautiful daughters I continued with nursing and also worked in private specialist practices. With this background in anatomy and physiology, wellness and disease states I progressed into energy healing in the late 1980s.

Many years of practicing meditation plus participating and leading meditation and spiritual learning groups heightened my experience and understanding of the unseen energies that surround us. I have studied the use of herbs for healing and for the last 15 years have practiced the art of vibrational energy healing using higher states of consciousness. All of this has brought me to where I am now.

Through all of these years I have gained valuable insights such as:

I want to share the skills I have learned and be part of the process of mankind awakening to our highest potential. We are all on our own personal journey – none of us perfect, but when we help each other we are greater than when we journey alone. I believe my journey – my gift is that of a healer and it is my greatest wish, with the guidance of The Creator Of All That Is, to help as many of my fellow travellers as possible.


If you have a physical or emotional ailment why not try this gentle therapy. With my background as a registered nurse I have a good knowledge of anatomy and physiology, as well as an understanding of disease processes which when combined with the intuitive, vibrational energy based healing that I practise can usually bring relief, regardless of the condition. At the very least you should feel lighter and happier at the end of our session. Many of my clients have reported instant relief of pain, even from long standing conditions such as arthritic knees. I have worked with people with advanced or aggressive cancer who have had very positive outcomes.

“Lorraine has facilitated a complete reduction in pain in my severely arthritic knee. I was awaiting surgery and after a 20 minute healing session I was easily walking up steps and working in the garden. This improvement has been long lasting and surgery postponed as a result.” BJ

Vibrational energy healing works just as well, regardless of your age or gender. Babies and toddlers are particularly receptive to this form of healing. I would first speak with the parent and then do a remote session, often when the child is asleep. The child would have no conscious awareness of the session but the results are very evident in the positive changes that occur.

"After a remote session from Lorraine my 3 yr old son was able to approach and play happily with animals which he had previously been unable to do.. Neither my son nor I were aware of the session which took place remotely, while he was asleep. One more remote session and his fear of water was overcome. He was easily independently playing and enjoying the water. Even jumping into the pool. He has never looked back.” KP

I have found that pets are also very receptive and have had profound results with animals. The animals seem to love this connection and I receive information as images. I communicate back in the same way, using images, or visualising a physical healing.

“Lorraine tuned into my pet Waimaraner dog and quickly identified the cause of her agitation. My pet and I were able to resolve the problem and find the happy balance again.” MC

Typically I am approached by people who have a physical or emotional problem. The cause of the problem may be known or unknown. A healing session can take place via phone, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or by remote viewing. One on one sessions can be arranged at your home or at my clinic.

I am a vibrational energy healer and primarily I will alter my state of consciousness to access information that will be helpful. I will always ask permission of the person who requires the healing. In the clinic setting, or by phone/computer access we will sit down together, and the session will take the form of a conversation. During the conversation I will ‘tune in’ to determine the cause of the problem and how best to approach it. With the guidance and assistance of the Source Of All That Is I will request and witness the healing taking place within the client’s body and at deeper non-physical levels.

While it sounds extraordinary, this is a very gentle process. I will be prompted to ask questions that will quickly access the subconscious programmes and beliefs that are creating and holding the disharmony and ill health in place. These can then be changed (always with the permission of the client). There may be temporary surges of sadness, grief or other uncomfortable feelings but in the healing environment these feelings do not overwhelm. Experiencing these feelings can be an important part of the healing process. Many people express wonder that they have never known the feeling was there. The reason for that is that we tend to do our best to suppress feelings we do not like. It is important to be able to observe these feelings as they come to the surface and to accept them. Acceptance is key. This allows the light of understanding and full consciousness to resolve and heal them.

My process can be used to bring about healing on many different levels, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, even to the level of the DNA. Sometimes the changes are instant, sometimes they take place gradually over a period of days or weeks.

We are complex beings and it may take more than one session to achieve a full recovery as the process will be a little like peeling away the layers of an onion. I have found that initially three sessions works best to bring about lasting change.

If dietary changes or herbal remedies are indicated I will suggest these and I can supply the appropriate herbal remedy from the Homoeobotanical range.

As a vibrational energy healer my work is complementary to that of your medical practitioner and I will never suggest that you discontinue medications prescribed by your doctor without first consulting with your doctor.

Vibrational energy healing works just as well, regardless of your age or gender. Babies and toddlers are particularly receptive to this form of healing. I would first speak with the parent and then do a remote session, often when the child is asleep. The child would have no conscious awareness of the session but the results are very evident in the positive changes that occur.

HERBAL ENERGY (Homoeobotanicals)

Herbs have been used throughout recorded history to correct imbalances and improve health. They are nature’s original remedies and are even more relevant today.

The homoeobotanical herbal remedy system has been proven over 30 years of use. There are over 50 powerful combinations that have been formulated by master herbalists and can be further combined to meet the specific needs of each individual. They are cost effective and easy to take and are my remedy of choice wherever a herbal formula is indicated.

As a registered Homoeobotanical Therapist I am qualified to dispense from the extensive Homoeobotanical range of remedies. The herbs are combined in specific formulas and the homoeopathic method of potentisation is used to make the remedies on an energetic level.

The remedies are similar but not the same as classical homoeopathic remedies as these homoeobotanicalformulas contain a great deal of the substance of the herbs known to be useful in healing the condition they are prescribed for. However because of the potentisation process, the energy field of the remedy is very strong and only a few drops of the mixture is required to be taken as often as prescribed.


Modern day living has many common influences that can have an impact on, and affect our body’s underlying wellness. Scientists now understand that our genes are largely influenced by the environment; up to 98% in some cases.

Now, personal epigenetic indicators can be mapped for you in less than 15 minutes with only four strands of hair, using the CellWellbeing Digital S-Drive system.

Your hair samples are digitally processed and sent via a secure internet connection to a technology centre in Hamburg, Germany. Over 800 key wellness indicators are mapped and used to create your complete report and 90 day plan. This comes to you via email as a report detailing systems of the body which require support and information on environmental factors affecting you, along with the nutrients to correct the imbalance. It includes a comprehensive list of the food sources for the nutrients your body requires. It also includes a list of the foods you should eliminate from your diet for the next 90 days.

An important feature is that all records are deleted from the main system once the report has been emailed. The report is valid for three months as your physiology will change over that period of time, especially if you follow the advice provided in the report. Further hair follicle analyses are recommended as the reports will give only the most important information at any given time. Over time you will be guided to correct imbalances to finer and finer levels.

“The hair follicle test has answered many questions for me. It has taken the guess work out of my food choices. What a wonderful tool for good health. Thank you” SH